Submit a Native Journey

Thanks for your interest in submitting a Native Journey to our website!

This is the list of questions we ask for every journey.  Please answer all of them, submit them via the form (copy/paste) and Dominic or Jolynn will follow up for a picture to use on the website.  Thanks! interview questions:

  1. What is your Name?
  2. What is your Tribal Affiliation?
  3. Where is your your tribe located in the United States?
  4. What is your favorite food from your tribal home?
  5. Where did you grow up?
  6. Where do you currently live?
  7. Where have you lived in the past?
  8. Where was the most exciting place to live and why?
  9. Where was the least exciting place to live and why?
  10. What college degrees have you obtained?
  11. Where did you get your education?
  12. What helped you most to obtain your education?
  13. What company or business do you currently work in?
  14. What is your current position in this company or business?
  15. What companies have you worked in the past?
  16. What interested you most that shaped your career path?
  17. What interests you most in your current work?
  18. What has been your proudest moment in your work career?
  19. What obstacles have you had to overcome in your career?
  20. What are some of the most important personal skills to have?
  21. What advice would you have given yourself back in middle school?
  22. Is there a type or work or job you would not do and why?
  23. Is this a new journey or a update to an existing one?

Submit your answers here: